Is the bat legal


Les Edmunds
Les Edmunds Asked 6 months ago

If the rubber is very slightly smaller than the blade, say 2 or 3 mm smaller but the edging tape is covering the bare part of the blade is it legal.

Thanks in advance,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 months ago

Hi Les,

Thanks for your question! Regarding your query about the rubber being smaller than the blade: according to the official rules from the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), the rubber must cover the blade up to but not necessarily right to the edges. A gap of 2 or 3 mm that you mention should technically be acceptable as long as it does not go beyond the limits of where the blade curves to form the side. Using edge tape to cover any small gaps between the rubber and the blade's edge is also generally fine as long as the edge tape itself doesn't interfere with play in any form (for example, by being overly thick or textured in a way that affects the ball). However, the rubber must still correctly adhere to the requirements about flatness and uniformity. It's always good practice though, especially in official or competitive play, to double-check with the tournament officials about their specific interpretations and implementations of ITTF equipment standards to avoid any match day surprises. Hope this helps, and keep playing!

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