Is the crossover point a problem for Shakehanders?


Hari Krishnan
Hari Krishnan Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

Have the top players overcome the crossover point? I have this doubt because I never see any shakehand player suffering from the crossover point.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Hari,

The top players in the world very rarely get caught out by a shot to the crossover point. The reason is they have trained so hard and their footwork is excellent as a result. This allows them to move into a good position. Also the fact that their strokes are so good, they can often improvise a bit and play a decent shot even if they are not 100% in the correct position.

I'd like to hear if our shakehand readers have particular problems with their crossover point? Let me know.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

The Crossover Point

Listen to Alois talk about his training focusing on the crossover point and the excellent results he achieved. As a student of the game it is important that you think about the crossover point and spend some time practicing hitting the ball there.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Douglas Hill

Douglas Hill Posted 14 years ago

I often make a poor choice of which way to move when the ball starts toward the crossover point but there is heavy sidespin. My brain just isn't pre-programmed to take that into consideration yet.

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 14 years ago

Maybe the original question was supposed to be about penholders?  I've seen some argument that penholders don't have crossover points, but I've never heard anyone say shakehanders have no crossover points.  Even at the top level you can sometimes see this come into play.  When one player has a short and high ball to attack, they often go straight for the opponent's armpit.  Even if a top player manages to hit a decent forehand shot when the ball is in their crossover point, it doesn't mean the crossover point is irrelevant - because they could have hit a much stronger shot if the ball was more clearly in their forehand or even backhand wing. 

At my level (average club level) it isn't such a big factor but mostly because most players don't take advantage of it, and also the pace of the rally is so slow.  However, it is something I am always very conscious of.  I especially like the fast long serve at the crossover point.

Soham Kulkarni

Soham Kulkarni Posted 12 years ago

There is a guy who  always serves a tomahawk serve into my crossover point .

at the start of his serve it seems that his serve will come into my backhand zone but eventually it curves a lot and ends up as a half long serve at my crossover point.

I am often caught off position if I play a forehand topspin ,as when I lift the ball he is ready on his forehand side to hit a winner . 


Any suggestions on how to overcome this problem ?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

I would use my backhand on this ball.  It is easier to deal with the tomahawk serve and easier to hit it over to his backhand.  Even if the ball is a little bit on the forehand side still give it a try.

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