Joining a Club


Miguel Pereira
Miguel Pereira Asked 9 years ago

I love playing table tennis game but I only play at my school. I have no table at home and now on vacation will not play muito.Há a park with tables near me. Recomenda go there to play or sign up at a club. I live in Portugal and do not know what you think of the clubs.

note: I live in Porto

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Miguel,

I think it is always good to give a club a try.  It is a good way to meet other players and see others play as well.

I don’t know much about the clubs in Portugal but it won’t be any harm to go down and take a look.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Between Games

After each set of Table Tennis you get a 1 minute break. During this time you need to review the previous set and prepare your tactics for the next one. Watch this master class to find out what you should be considering.

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Thoughts on this question

Miguel Pereira

Miguel Pereira Posted 9 years ago

Thank you. It's what I'll do.

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