Playing at 30 years Old


David Gouljiar
David Gouljiar Asked 11 years ago

Peut on devenir un bon joueur quand on commence le tennis de table a 30 ans?

bien sur je ne parle pas d'etre dans les meilleur mondiaud, mais jouer a un tres bon niveau regionale?

Can we become a good player when table tennis was 30 years we start?

of course I do not mean to be in the best in the world, but playing at a very high level regional? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi David,

I think you can become good at a regional level.  There is also competitions for Veteran players right up to over 80 year old.

It takes time and effort.  It is not as easy as when you start young but it is possible.


Salut David,

Je pense que vous pouvez devenir bon au niveau régional. Il ya aussi des compétitions pour joueurs expérimentés jusqu'à plus de 80 ans.

Il faut du temps et des efforts. Il n'est pas aussi facile que lorsque vous commencez jeune, mais il est possible.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#45 - Tournament Preparation 1

A key tactic in Table Tennis is to serve short, get a long return and then attack the third ball with a topspin stroke. It's important in matches to make sure you can make that third ball consistently on the table so you can maintain the pressure on your opponent. This week we give you a number of exercises to work on your consistency.

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Thoughts on this question

David Gouljiar

David Gouljiar Posted 11 years ago

merci beaucoup pour cet reponse et tout le travail que vous faite, pour aider les pongiste du monde.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

No problems.

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