Judging the control of the equipment


Mudit Kapoor
Mudit Kapoor Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

I am sorry that I ask you a equipment related question. But, since no one is able to provide me with a satisfactory answer, you seem to be the only hope.

How can I possibly judge if the equipment which I am playing with is offering me the desired control and is right for me? I am right now in a fix, where I feel that my footwork needs conditioning, on the second thoughts sometimes I am in doubt if I am getting enough control from my equipment. I have decided to choose my footwork and work on it but somehow I am not able to get this question out of my mind.

It would be very kind of you if you can provide your inputs on this question.

Kind regards,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Mudit,

Equipment is such a difficult question.  If the equipment you are using is too fast for you, then you will find it difficult to play strokes consistently, especially short pushing and receiving serves.

If you are in doubt of whether you are getting enough control you probably are not. 

The vast array of options is why we have decided on selecting a few options of Custom Table Tennis Bats that we can recommend with confidence to players.  We have a PingSkills Touch blade and then we recommend either Mark V for good control, Yasaka Pryde for more spin and a little more speed and Vega Pro for even more speed and spin. 

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