Hi Alois/Jeff,
I recently came across this video where Kenta Matsudaira is shown doing sidespin blocks which looks very effective. Can you explain what is he doing there? It feels like along with the sidespin he is also generating some backspin as well. Is this what they call a chop block? It would be great if you could do a video on how to learn this stroke and when to use it.
Hi Abhinav,
He can put backspin as well as sidespin on the block. It is a great shot and one more of the young Japanese players are using now.
Hopefully a few Premium members will vote for this one to get a video happening. It is a fun shot to try.
Our advice is to avoid the backhand smash and play the forehand smash instead. However if you do get caught out and need to play it, watch this video to learn the right technique to use.
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Abhinav Upadhyay Posted 10 years ago
I have voted :)
Phillip Simmons Posted 10 years ago
I would like to see the video.
Xavi Gordillo Posted 10 years ago
I would like to see the video.
Gordon Hume Posted 10 years ago
Yep, me too, please.
Fidel Salazar Posted 10 years ago
Amazing video Jeff and Alois. The slow motion footage is great and helps me understand the shot easily. Definitely a very good weapon for every advanced player's arsenal of strokes. Thanks guys!
Hi Fidel,
I love the slow motion footage too!
Keno Haken Posted 10 years ago
Thanks Jeff Plumb for making the video, easy to understand
AkulBylvaChakk Dave-ABCD Posted 10 years ago
Is it possible to do the same block with forehand?
I guess it is. Give it a try and see how it goes.
Eliot Bartley Posted 10 years ago
I tend use that by accident a lot, very interesting
Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago
Thank for the video. Now I can do sidespin and backspin blocks effectively.
I tried to do the same with forehand, but its quite difficult for me.
eduardo espinosa Posted 10 years ago
Hi, Alois. I believe this stroke also adds confusion of the opponent by sending the ball in a unexpected direction.
Fetish Madez Posted 10 years ago
Thanks for the video coach! :D
martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago
interesting, i shall try
Yap Zhi De Posted 9 years ago
Hi Alois
Is jeff doing this shot using a normal rubber?
Roger Adams Posted 9 years ago
Excellent demo Jeff, It's all in the wrist!
table-tennis player Posted 9 years ago
Its so sad for me.
I can't do this amazing thing.
as im im using a Anti-spin rubber
Suvankar Sarkar Posted 9 years ago
Sir, Please give me a video tutorial for hammer brush serve
D K Posted 9 years ago
Can these blocks be done with forehand?
Or a longpimpled backhand?
Johan B Posted 9 years ago
You can find Ma Long doing a "windmill block" on YouTube, which is basically the same on the forehand
Of course you can do it with LP? The contact is the same as for a normal chop
Hendrik S Posted 9 years ago
Im not too sure if u can do this block with LP and create your own sidespin...
Allen Papapetrou Posted 9 years ago
@ D K:
I would try to copy Kenta rather than Jeff. Why? Jeff was always doing "Kenta's: sidespin block down the line. Whereas Kenta block was more toward the middle line. Also, Kenta appeared to use more sidespin than Jeff.
I sense that Kenta's block would be more difficult to return than Jeff's since Jeff's return provide more space without the table interfering than Kenta's.
Also, Kenta was contacting the ball more to his right. One of his returns was virtually a backhand from his forehand.
I'm practicing Kenta's sidespin block by transforming it into a backhand serve. I'm finding as a serve the stroke requires heavy inside-out sidespin, low, moderately short, and just to the forehand side of the middle line. When I serve it down the line I've found the receiver has an easier time returning it with inside-out sidestop.
Farhan Hashim Posted 9 years ago
I am using it but very rarely & mine doesn't grip or sidespin much & i do it during backhand to backhand counter rally so the level is low but the thing is that during back to back counter rally whenever i do the kenta side (or a soft version) i do get most of the points
kathy mckelvey Posted 8 years ago
So interesting! however, I feel it takes time and experience to master all the different spins. Challenging though, I hope I can recognize them soon. I'm probably doing some spins that I'm totally unaware of! thank's Alois and Jeff for your great videos.
Mike Garland Posted 7 years ago
Alois as a premium member can I download videos such as these from your website?
Jean Balthazar Posted 7 years ago
If you open the video in YouTube, there are plenty of plugins that will allow you to download the video. Check what is available for you browser.