Knee Injury


Dhruv Sinha
Dhruv Sinha Asked 11 years ago

Hello Alois/Jeff

Today while I was biking downhill I pulled the brakes on my front wheel too suddenly and I flipped over my bike and it crashed. I was bleeding on my right knee and right elbow. Those were the major injuries but I'm not bleeding as badly on my left elbow and on a small area on my right wrist. We've wrapped it up and bandaged it. How long should it take for me to play again. My club meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I went to the club on Saturday and then the injury happened later. So how long should I wait until I get to practicing and until I go to the club to play seriously with other players.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Dhruv,

It is best you go and see your doctor for issues like these.

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