Knowing more about my blade and rubbers


Leo Joshua Maestre
Leo Joshua Maestre Asked 4 years ago

Hi, greetings. I am currently using DHS WIND CW-C with Neo Hurricane 3 (fh) and Palio AK47 blue (bh). I still can't figure out how to use my racket properly. I am a beginner and was using DHS 3002 racket.. it's hard for me to adjust but I'm getting used to it. I just want to ask how will I improve my table tennis skills while using my current racket and what are the things I need know to control my racket specially the Palio AK47 blue rubber. Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Leo,

I think the main thing is to work on your technique first.  If your technique improves you will be able to handle the faster bat.

You could either go back to using your previous bat and continue to work on your technique or think about using the new bat but playing at a slower pace to make sure you are able to control the ball first.

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