Left handed serve


Bill KennedyBillK
Bill KennedyBillK Asked 12 years ago


Being left handed I very often find it difficult to "see" right handed serves because of where I stand to receive. I never complain but do get irritated if a right hander complains he cannot see my serve when I often cannot see his! Does the server have to show his serve to opponent no matter where opponent is standing to receive? If so the receiver could make it very awkward for the server by receiving in extremely wide positions.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Bill,

The receiver must be able to see the ball throughout the serve.  The rule actually goes through that the triangle between the ball and the net posts has to be clear, so really no matter where you stand, you should be able to see the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

Bill KennedyBillK

Bill KennedyBillK Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for that. Do you find as a left hander that you are able to see most serves when receiving? If not would you complain? I tend to feel it is a pretty rubbish rule that is not enforced and any complaints lead to bad feeling between players.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

It is a difficult rule to police especially at club level.  It will always end in arguments.  I don't have a simple solution until the rule is changed.

Certainly if I way playing someone at a tournament level and I couldn't see their serve I would say something.  It is an unfair advantage. 

joe bob

joe bob Posted 12 years ago

I feel like that rule is not enforced often.  I wonder if the hide the ball rule is hard to enforce because of where the umpires sit (to the side).   (IE. from their angle they can see the ball fine) Maybe they should have a ref behind each player somewhere...

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