Hi Coach,
First of all, thanks for an awesome and very informative site. Appreciate all your help and efforts for TT enthusiasts.
I am a right hander and an above average tournament player. How do you handle a left hander who is a very good looper. He loops anything just above the net. Be it a backspin, sidespin or topspin. Specially on serves. If you serve him short, he loops over the table like a fast flick. Any input is highly appreciated.
I find that a lot of left handers are weaker out wide to their forehand which you can expose by hitting your backhand cross court.
If they have a stronger forehand shot, they may still be weak out wide. The other thing that it does is that after they go wide to their forehand they are exposed on theirh backhand side.
Try this simple tactic and see if it works for you.
If you are having a problem correcting an error in your technique, then try this great tip. Think about learning a new stroke rather than correcting an old bad habit. The change in thinking will allow you to learn the new stroke without worrying about your old bad habits.
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