Legal Serves


Jason  Bui
Jason Bui Asked 4 years ago

I am an advanced table tennis player thanks to your videos. I have trouble trying to not do an illegal serve. The only illegal serves I do is the throw back serve which generates extra spin, and have trouble trying to stop doing it? Can you help play by the serving rules and resist this throw back illegal serve? :(

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Jason,

Practice just the throw up of the ball to start with.  See if you can land the ball on a sheet of paper placed near your feet.  Once you an do this you know you are throwing up up quite straight.  Then add in the swing of the serve and see how it feels.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Windshield Wiper Serve

Here is an effective serve that you can learn and put into your game. It is a serve that not many players are using so as a variation and something new, this one can be a winner for you.

Watch Now

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