Lets and faults rules


Prajjwal Dimri
Prajjwal Dimri Asked 12 years ago


I just want to know that in a match how many times i can do reserve. Like In a match my opponent's serve hit the net 3 times. Is it legal to reserve many times?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Prajjwal,

If you make a mistake with your serve, that is you serve a fault, you lose the point straight away.

However if you serve a let, that is where the ball touches the net and still goes on correctly, you never lose a point, even if you serve 10 or 20 lets in a row.

I hope this clears the rule up for you.

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Table Tennis Rules Overview

This video lesson takes you through the essential Table Tennis rules. Watch the video and become an expert in topics such as how to win points, what score to play up to, and how to serve in doubles. There is no need to have arguments over the rules so get all your friends to watch this lesson too!

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Thoughts on this question

Prajjwal Dimri

Prajjwal Dimri Posted 12 years ago

Thanks. I have won my first tournament today. Thanks Pingskills

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Great news.  Well done Prajjwal.  I hope you played well too.

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