Lifting Legs against heavy backspin


Ilia Minkin
Ilia Minkin Asked 10 years ago

It is often said that looping a heavy backspin ball from backhand requires upward movement with legs to lift the ball. Is it true for the forehand loop, i.e. do I have to make an accelerated "jump" with my body to lift the ball over the net if I'm looping a heavy push/chop? Or dropping my right shoulder (I'm a rightie) is enough? 

I tried to analyse the video with Zhang Jike and I saw that his legs nearly take off from the floor but I wonder if it is a conscious movement to lift the ball. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ilia,

You don’t really need to lift off the floor in most cases.  It is better if you transfer the power from the floor through your legs and remain balanced so that you are ready for the next ball.  Try to use the angle of your blade and the speed of your bat to generate the lift.  In exceptional circumstances when the ball is really heavy you can lift with your legs as well.

The video shows him playing against Joo Se Hyuk when there is a lot of backspin on the ball.

This applies for both forehand and backhand.

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Thoughts on this question

Douglas Hill

Douglas Hill Posted 10 years ago


When you say, "use the angle of your blade" do you mean to open the blade so the contact is less fine?

Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 10 years ago

I think that it is very important to adjust the angle to every ball you hit -- the more the backspin, the more open the blade. But sometimes it is very difficult to assess the amount of backspin and it leads to errors :(

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Douglas,

Open the blade and still contact finely by making your stroke more vertical.  Let me know if this is clearer.

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