lob vs spinning smash


benjamin Lim
benjamin Lim Asked 13 years ago

Hi guys.. i love the website but i need to ask about something that ive been trying to deal with for months now.

 I have little to no problem lobbing back a straight smash but i have this one same opponent that loves to put lots of spin on his smashes, the ball is relatively fast for me to react in time sometimes so i usually react with the normal lob defense stroke vs smash.. the ball usually spins and fly's away and i lose a point :( in table tennis every point is crucial pls help :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Benjamin,

You need to adjust to the spin.  If he is putting topspin on the ball the ball will want to fly back higher.  Allow for this by angling your bat more forward than you normally would for the lob.  If there is sidespin, angle your bat sideways a little to allow for the spin.

Like any part of Table Tennis, watch to see what happens to the ball after you hit it so that you can adjust next time. 

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