Long pimple suggestion


Panayoyos Yoyos
Panayoyos Yoyos Asked 4 years ago

I would like to change my long pimple from feint long II to something softer that will generate more spin but still maintain control at a high level . I was trying to find what pimps did chen weixing uses and Joo se hyuk . Do you suggest anything?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Panayoyos,

I am not sure what they used but hopefully someone on here will be able to help out.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 4 years ago

Joo Sae Hyuk alternates between TSP CUrl P1R and Tibhar Grass Dtecs.
Powerful rival to BTY FL II.
These two longpips are the considered the highest quality and majority of world level longpips choppers use these.

According to my last research:
Chen Weixing: TSP P1R/Joola Octopus
Joo Sae Hyuk: TSP P1R/Tibhar Grass Dtecs
Gionis Panagiotis: BTY FL II
Ruwen Filus: BTY FL III
Masato SHiono: TSP P4 Chop
Matsushita Koji: BTY FL/BTY FL II

I am not able to guarantee the correctness of all these information,some of them come from online interviews with said players.
What I can tell quite for sure is,that for pro choppers,TSP and Butterfly are the leading brands.
If you use Butterfly Feint Long II,you already have one of the best long pimples for chopping.
Please understand that LONGPIPS ARE NOT GENERALLY MEANT TO CREATE THEIR OWN SPIN,although many of the mentioned do create some spin.
If you want more control,maybe you should try FL II's successor,Butterfly Feint Long III or TSP Curl P4 Chop. They are softer,allow more inverted-like strokes,and haveĀ  better control. Though,they are less dangerous in terms of reversal. Due to them being so soft and grippy,they are also more spin-sensitive.

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