Long pimples types


Jhon Santeliz
Jhon Santeliz Asked 2 years ago

      Happy afternoon, I would like to know if you could help me find some long shins that suit my type of game, I explain that when I started this wonderful sport a few years ago I used antitop, so over the years I adapted this type of game but using long pimples.My problem is that I always use the long pimples of Nitakku Lonfrict, this type of long pimples was special for me since it absorbed the attacker's blow in a slow and controlled (The block is my greatest forte) way as the antitop does and I could receive the services with an easy refund regardless of the effect it came with, but the rubber is no longer on the market.

Of course, I also use the long pimples to chop at moderate distances, I would like to know what kind of long pimples I can use that allow me to do all this, now I have some but I feel uncomfortable since I do not have control over these movements, being these also long pimples, especially to receive services. or the specifications to take into account to find something that I am used to doing, I really do not care much about attacking with this type of rubber. Thanks in advance, attentive to your comments. Greetings.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Jhon,

I will leave this one to the equipment experts. Hopefully some comments will help you. 

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 2 years ago

Jhon,so if I understood well,you mostly use backhand block/chopblock,shovel push etc while occassionally chopping at mid-range?

Jhon Santeliz

Jhon Santeliz Posted 2 years ago

Yes, that player has a style very similar to mine, I like it, although my way of pushing the ball is different, it's like a fencing touch and I love that, because my goal when pushing the ball is to unbalance my opponent leaving him in an uncomfortable situation with the ball almost to his body, I have noticed that the pores that he previously used were extremely soft, long and fine(OX), they allowed me to push with a force that came to do as a type of attack and what I miss the most is returning the services with ease since the effects were almost insignificant and returned as if nothing.

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