Long Pips Game


Juan Vega Osorno
Juan Vega Osorno Asked 6 years ago

Hi! Sorry, my english is maybe not good... i’m from Spain :)

I play Table Tennis with Long Pips, and i like play close to the table, and move the ball to all the sides to the table with my pips. I use my forehand to block and make sidespin with a short move from my arm; and i want to know, how can i make more effective the chops, because sometimes, i cut the ball and it doesn’t take much effect. thanks!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Juan,

Chopping with the long pimples relies on your opponent providing the spin.  You could try twiddling the racket and using the inverted rubber on the backhand sometimes to add some spin.

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Juan Vega Osorno

Juan Vega Osorno Posted 6 years ago

Ok Thanks!!!

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