Losing a table tennis match mentally

Mental Preparation

kieran bean
kieran bean Asked 11 years ago

Hi guys,

I've recently improved my game a lot over the past 2/3 months or so, But when things aren't going my way in a game i tend to lose my concentration and get very very frustrated and become despondent  

Is there a way to re-motivate myself mid game and tackle 'not losing the game in my head'?

any help would be greatly appreciated, i hope this question makes sense.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kieran,

Firstly this is common.

In the game situation set yourself some smaller goals.  It may be that for each 4 points you are going to win or win 2 out of each 3 points played.  Each 3 points your goal is reset.  Soon the game will be over and you don't have tie to get despondent.

Other things you can do is focus on the process.  It may be that you want to make forehand topspins from all the long balls in your forehand area.

Having smaller goals will help you to forget about what has happened and keep focusing on what you want to be doing in a match.

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