Ma Long and Boll


Mayo May
Mayo May Asked 11 years ago

Hey guys,

Do you think you can take on or last playing against Ma Long or Timo Boll ? Which player do you think is better?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago


I would have no chance against those players.  They are both great players but at the moment I think Ma Long is a better player however, Boll is one of my favourite players to watch.

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Thoughts on this question

Mayo May

Mayo May Posted 11 years ago

Ma Long is my fav. But I do think Timo Boll is great. Most

times Ma Long over powers him. I see Timo get upset , how can you deal with that situation


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Sometimes at this level one player just plays better.  There is always the next time.

Jeremy Goh

Jeremy Goh Posted 11 years ago

Ma Long is probably the best offensive player right now. He has perfect skill, overwhelming power and amazing precision. He is one of my favourite to watch. I think he has also overcame his mental weakness recently. He plays so much better at tense situations like at the paris ping fighting timo. Boll is also undeniably an amazing player, but I think he lacks power. He is probably the best non-asian player ever since Waldner retired. I really do admire him for his skills, but I admire him more for his sportsmanship.

Furqan Hashmi

Furqan Hashmi Posted 11 years ago

Yes but Fan Zhendong and i bet he has got a d#gr8 chance ogf wiinning d upcoming grand finale. Boll is out of his prime but still not bad.... Fan rox!!

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