Ma Long's shakehand grip


hrishikesh bhaskar
hrishikesh bhaskar Asked 8 years ago


Is Ma Long using shakehand shallow grip or shakehand deep grip?

Can the inflexible wrist in shakehand deep grip  affect us in playing forehand drive?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Hrishi,

Ma Long hold the bat quite close into his hand and you see the power that he can generate.  He does have a flexible wrist even though he holds it up high because he is relaxed through the stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

hrishikesh bhaskar

hrishikesh bhaskar Posted 8 years ago

u mean Malong is using shakehand deep grip?

martinand bernard

martinand bernard Posted 8 years ago

my wrist is not flexible and I have to hold my bat very cool like a bird in my hand

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