Matches vs practice


Dhruv Bajaj
Dhruv Bajaj Asked 14 years ago

hi sir,

i am a big fan of yours. everything goes on perfect in my practice but not so in game.  i want to learn the pendulum and reverse pendulum spin. in practice my shots are good but not so in games and what about wall practice? i should continue it or not? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Dhruv,

Thanks for the compliment.

In a match you need to work on making sure you are still playing your strokes correctly.  You also need to focus on playing well rather than too much on the result.  Worrying about the result will mean that you will tighten up.  Once you tighten up it is difficult to play your strokes properly.

Wall practice is good when you are starting to learn your hitting and strokes.  Playing against a partner is more effective later.

To learn the serves get a copy of the Serving Secrets Revealed DVD.  This will show you in great detail how to do these two serves as well as many others.

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