Maximising Time of Contact on Rubber


Shripathi ramakrishnan
Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 12 years ago


How do i increase the time of contact of the ball on my bat? 

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

What are you trying to achieve by increasing the time the ball is in contact with your rubber? Are you trying to get more spin? If so you need to focus on having a really fast brushing contact as this is what will generate the spin.

Recommended Video

How You Can Generate a Brushing Contact on the Ball

In this video we will discuss and demonstrate how you can generate a brushing contact on the ball. A brushing contact is ideal for creating as much spin as possible during a rally.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Shripathi ramakrishnan

Shripathi ramakrishnan Posted 12 years ago

uh not really. my coach said i could played faster shots (backhand!!) by increasing contact time as i could not only get the spin on a fast swing , but also the pace. any tips on that jeff?



Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Sripathi,

I would concentrate on getting the technique right. Once you have that you can increase the speed of your shots by playing the shots faster.

Furqan Hashmi

Furqan Hashmi Posted 11 years ago

if u want more friction, or tackiness as the technical term is,try getting a chinese rubber if u can afford or just by spinmax, its just like a regular rubber cleaner except that it leaves a residue on rubber whic increases the friction. its gr8 i use it id my dhs hurricane 3 neo, the spin is unbelievable

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