

ayush upadhyay
ayush upadhyay Asked 10 years ago


i want to ask that tomorrow is my cluster or district level competition. so what mind set should i have before playing...

and please tell me about the diet before playing. i will be very thankful if you answer my questions fast. 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ayush,

Go into the matches to play your best Table Tennis.  The results will take care of themselves.

As far as a diet, have a good breakfast of some cereal, toast, juice those sorts of things.  Then have lots of small healthy snacks during the day.

Take a look at our Blog on What to Expect at a Tournament.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against a Flat Bat

If you come up against a payer that has a flat bat that can't generate much spin and you are having problems, take a look at this video for some help.

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