More power against mid-high backspin balls


Glenn Rochon
Glenn Rochon Asked 11 years ago

Hello Coaches!

I have a unique grip: a Seemiller, only I hold the bat much lower, like a drumstick, the handle loosely held between my thumb and forefinger.  Very wristy.  I am having a hard time generating ample power with my forehand loop against an underpin ball.  Even if the ball bounces a foot high, I am told to loop.  But with my naturally closed bat, I end up adding lots of spin but no great pop!  And I'm not sure my weight shift is correct.  Do I loop off the back foot?  And how low is the backswing for a mid-high ball?  


Glenn Rochon

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Glenn,

You should try to hit the ball when you are balanced between your feet.  Just try to contact the ball a little flatter to get more speed.  This may mean you need to open the face of the ball more tan your natural angle.

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Strawberry Flick

The strawberry flick is the opposite of the banana flick and involves utilising the wrist to get the ball spinning with topspin and sidespin. Used in conjunction with the banana flick it can be very deceptive. The banana flick is a more reliable stroke and that's why you see more top players using it over the strawberry flick.

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Thoughts on this question

Glenn Rochon

Glenn Rochon Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Alois.  Sounds right.  I'm 51 years old.  Began my ping pong career (basically anew) three years ago.  I hope to be a 1900 player by the end of the year.  I am serious.  Maybe I can even break 2000.  Got a game off of a 2100 player last week.  This unique (strange) grip of mine is meant for blocking--perhaps the only aspect of it successfully left over from childhood).  I can hit a ball with a forehand bat, straight up, at my belly button!  Flexibility.  And perhaps stupidity, but there is no turning back now, Alois.  I have closely studied yours and jeff's videos for two years.  Then I took a break.  Great stuff!  Excellent.  I believe morality lies beyond religion.  Morality is the pursuit of excellence with an intent for staying away from sloth and evil.  (OK, I've been drinking.  And I've been in the basement for four hours on the ball machine.)  

Oh, I'm an intellectual.  I like my coaches, but they cannot--as teenagers--transmit data.  They wave their hands: "It's like this."  Fine.  But I sometimes need more.  I used to be a tennis instructor, largely self taught in four years.  I tea every book I could.  Aren't too many table tennis books.  

I have antispin on the other side (recall, I'm of the Seemiller ilk).  I have questions, technical.  And questions about levels of play.  I thank you for for your consideration and time.  


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Glenn,

Sounds like a good aim to have.  I am glad that you can benefit from the site.  Let us know as you go through if you need any other help.

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