Move... Stop... Hit


Gordon Unknown
Gordon Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois .

When playing an attacking shot on the back hand ie Drive or Top Spin, i always always always, rock or lean back, can't stop doing it, so of course the ball drops into the net as there's no control .

Forehand i always stay still or go forward into the shot , on warm up ie corner to corner i stay still on the b/h but as soon as the match starts i always rock or lean back .

Have you come across this before ??

Many thanks Gordon.

PS Congratulations on your new position , fully deserved , hope to catch a word or 2 in Scotland .. but be aware look out for our great hope Paul Drinkhall

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Gordon,

This is a common problem.  Try practicing by doing a driil where you need to move before hitting the backhand.

So, get your partner to push the ball short to your forehand where you push the ball back and then get him to push that ball deep to your backhand.  On this ball you will need to move and hit the backhand topspin.

Focus on moving and stopping before you swing. This is a difficult thing to do at first.  The natural reaction is to start your swing as soon as you see the ball coming.  So, think about this routine. 

Move... stop... hit. 

The stop is extremely important.  Of course this involves being able to move fast enough so that you have time to stop before the hit.  Resist starting the swing before you are completely in position.  The stillness is what makes the difference between, professional players and the club player.  It is why it looks so easy for them.

In time you will start to get the pattern ingrained. 

Remember, Move... Stop... Hit...

I am looking forward to Scotland and seeing the best Commonwealth players again.  I did some Television commentary for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, so I am well aware of the strength of Drinkhall.  He is an exciting player.  The Aussies have faced him a few times with mixed results.

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Thoughts on this question

yacy Leong

yacy Leong Posted 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

       How can I stop a fast spin service from the opponent? I am a pen hold player. The ball is touch the end of the table.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Yacy,

If the serve is long and fast you can try to topspin the return.  You could try to take half a step backwards to give yourself more time.

Take a look at this previous answer to an Ask the Coach question. How to return a long sidespin serve.

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