

Abdullah Bashir
Abdullah Bashir Asked 10 years ago

Is there a certain technique to multiball? My brother and I have tried it, but it ends up making a very awkward arc could you help us?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Abdullah,

First bounce the ball on your side of the table before hitting it.  Then try to hit is as naturally as you can like if the ball was in a normal rally.

It can be a really effective way to train.  If you can get a bit of practice with it you may find it improves quickly.

For our Premium members we have a section on Multiball.  This shows you how to feed as well as a whole range of helpful tips for training with Multiball.

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We've all watched the movies where the underdog gets all pumped up and goes out and plays the match of their life to win the World Championships. It's inspiring stuff but in reality not everyone plays there best Table Tennis when they are too fired up. Sometime it's better to stay relaxed and calm yet very alert. This master class talks about how to find the right activation level for you so you play your best Table Tennis.

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