

Zhang Bo Lin
Zhang Bo Lin Asked 9 years ago

Hello PingSkills!

Is it a good idea to feed yourself multiball? I know there are boundaries, such as the inability to practice topspin/loop, but counterhitting/driving the ball seems fine. Is it a good idea? Or is the forward motion towards my direction not enough?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Zhang,

If there are no other options then it is OK.  It is very limited because you don’t get the momentum of the ball coming towards you but as a basic idea it is fine.

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One thing you can be sure of is that every top player will be able to keep the ball on the table with a solid block when under pressure. It seems that this is a pre-requisite to becoming a good player. That's why in this training session we focus on improving your block. If you can absorb your opponent's attack you will be in a good position to win a match against them.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

Perhaps you can put a heavy backspin first so it comes back to you and then loop against topspin

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