Thanks 4 your good answer.i have a one more problem in my game.when my tournaments are going to start.i have lost my game timing ,action and every thing.i also play game very bad like junior player.i play maltiball traning daily but i can't do table perectic.becouse of time.just i play games end of maltiball it necessery?i perectice with other player.(now my tournament is going to start after a table tennis has blank.i read to start late balls)kindly tell me solution of this problem.however i play good in matches.
Hi Irshad,
It is very important that you do a lot of one ball training when it gets closer to a tournament.
Multi ball is good to training strokes but it is not very good for you close to a tournament.
This is because you are not tracking the ball as it goes out and comes back in. With multiball you are tracking a ball as it is coming in and then you lose focus on that ball and focus on another. Thsi is nothing like you ned to do in a game. It is also doesn't teach you the importance of getting the ball on the table because whether you get it on or not you have another ball to hit.
Do a lot of one ball training and games play in the month or so before a tournament.
In this session we continue to focus on your footwork. This week we introduce 4 ball footwork drills including my favourite exercise - The PingSkills Drill. We also start work on developing a new serve.
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loee k Posted 13 years ago