Hi, Is it legal to listen to songs on earphone while playing table tennis match.
Hi Abhinav,
This is a really interesting question. It even had our Super Ref, Graeme Ireland, putting his thinking cap on.
These are his thoughts:
I know of no rule which would prevent a player from doing that if they wanted to. All references to wearing things relates to clothing, and the only thing which would come close is the reference to “objects” in Any markings or trimming on the front or side of a playing garment and any objects such as jewellery worn by a player shall not be so conspicuous or brightly reflecting as to unsight an opponent.
As long as it doesn’t affect the opponent I would probably allow it, especially if it was just a small earphone (Bluetooth for example). To me it seems as if it would be a big disadvantage to the player listening to the music.
We tell you what happens if you miss the ball completely when you are serving. Fault, lose a point or a let?
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Joe Bailey Posted 9 years ago
I agree with Alois - I've had hits with players with earphones and I don't understand how they do it! I've tried, but if I don't hear the bounce, it throws my timing completely out.
Thanks Joe. They are Graeme’s thoughts but I do agree.
Joper Barcelona Posted 11 months ago
Hi, Is it legal to use bluetooth while playing table tennis match and use this as coaching purposes?