My ankles


Patrick Abad
Patrick Abad Asked 10 years ago

Hi coaches!

I have a question. Does the professional table tennis players use ankle supporters? See, i sprained my ankle while playing table tennis. and im planning to use ankle supporters next time. but im not sure if it is comfortable. so, is it okay to use ankle supporters when playing table tennis?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Patrick,

Most players wouldn’t have ankle supports.  However, if you have sprained your ankle it would be a good idea to use them for your own confidence.  You should still be careful because there is a lot of strain on the ankles as you are moving sideways and stopping quickly.  It is also a good idea to think about trying to get them stronger.  See if you can find a professional that will help you with this area of strengthening your ankles.

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