New old blade


azhar bhabha
azhar bhabha Asked 12 years ago

Hey Alois....i recently was the victim of nothing less than a huge mishap... you will notice that i havent been as active as i used to be... it is because my racket was stolen from my club.... it was a great letdown as i had saved up a lot of money for it.... anyway, i managed to buy a fh rubber, took a secondhand bh rubber from a friend, n my coach has given me an old blade he had approx 4-5 yrs pld... it is jonyer off... the blade itself looked in pretty good condition though it turned a little brown/pale/faded with age.... when i play with it i find it is a little slow n my forward motion has to be greater than what i used to do... do you know anything about this blade and is it naturally slow or is the life over?? can i use it with good results?? 

ps-im hopin u say yes as my folks aint gonna lemme spend on another ply... thanks....

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Azhra,

That is a real pity to hear about that.

You are lucky though that you have been able to get another bat through the generosity of others.

The bat is completely good to learn and improve your stroke and game.  Just work hard with it.  I like the Jonyer offensives.  I used my last Butterfly blade for 21 years and while it did slow down, I was still able to use it.

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Thoughts on this question

soma sundaram

soma sundaram Posted 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

Just curious to know the name of the blade which you used for 20 years. Was it Butterfly Jonyer?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

No, It was a Power Drive.

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