newbie table buying advice


N M Asked 13 years ago

I'm thinking about buying a table for home, but I don't have any space indoors for it.  I was looking at the outdoor tables and they're pretty expensive.  Has anyone had any experience using the indoor tables outdoors?  I live in TX and there's not much rain,etc. Would an indoor table last long outside if it were covered when not in use?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago


The outdoor tables are getting better.  Usually they don't have as good a bounce as the indoor tables.  They should be able to stand being outside if they are covered.

Others that have bought one may be able to help you out. 

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When choosing a net look for one with a good clamp, an adjustable height mechanism, and a way to tension the net.

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