Hi! I'm enjoying my premium membership very much, all the extra videos are definitely making me think.
First off: How would you go about making a tomahawk serve without much spin? Currently I do it by coming under the ball a lot and pushing it forward a bit... It looks like a no spin serve as a variation on pure backspin, but with the tomahawk starting point. Is there any subtler way?
Hi Johan,
You can also hit it at a different part of the rubber. If you hit it with the leading edge you will get more spin, if you hit it with the back half of the rubber or closer to the handle you will get less spin.
Par Gerrell does the punch serve well. Take a look as we show you the basics of the Punch serve.
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Johan B Posted 10 years ago
Ah, I get it! I'll work on that! In the latter case, I get less spin because that area of the bat is travelling faster, but what about the former case? Is it because the ball contacts the rubber for a shorter time?
I feel that with the leading edge the ball stays on the rubber a little longer or contacts or the energy is coming from closer to the centre of the bat… Just a theory.