Non Celluloid Balls


Shaji Alavi
Shaji Alavi Asked 13 years ago

Hi Coach,

I saw in google search that the table tennis balls will be changed after 2012 london olympics. They are proposing to introduce non celluloid balls. Will the ball size remain same? Kindly shed some light on it? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shaji,

Yes they are going to change the balls but there won't be a lot of difference in size.  I think with these sorts of things we should just wait and see what they come up with.  I am sure if the first try isn't perfect they will keep working on it to get it right. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Ball

Learn how to check if your Table Tennis ball is perfectly round and if it is firm enough.

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