Non stop short pushing


eugene lu
eugene lu Asked 9 years ago

Hi pingskills,

Short push is an important part of table tennis, you can prevent being attacked by pushing short. I played with some people who understand this tactic as well.

After the serve, we both push short to prevent attack. Neither of us wants to give an inch. So we keep pushing short.

If we continue pushing short like that, we might be stucked in that rally forever. So my question is, what should I do to stop that short push rally, should I give the long ball to him and give him the opportunity to attack, or what else can I do?

Sorry if I've asking to much questions recentlyfoot-in-mouth

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Eugene,

After a few short pushes you can push one long and fast especially if you see they are staying close to the net.  Make sure you go to their weaker attacking side.

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Thoughts on this question

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 9 years ago

What if the caught me with the long ball?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

When you short push it is important to jump back after each push so that you are ready for the long ball.

Jared Peterson

Jared Peterson Posted 9 years ago

Or perhaps an over a table attack? Maybe try learning the backhand or forhand flick for those short pushes that are higher than the net and youll win alot of straight points because youre opponet will expect your short push.

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