Not good during match


piyal das
piyal das Asked 11 years ago


I feel I am good during the practice , hitting balls well specially smashes, fast counter hits and backhand, but during playing a match I feel I am not in position or my shots are not in good technique.

I often try to hit balls too carefully resulting in slow shots , incorrect bat angles and when I smash or loop I miss 9/10.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Piyal,

This is all part of the improvement process.  First you are able to perform skills in training and as you progress you will be able to play them in matches and even at important stages in matches.

Nerves can play a part in this process.  The first thing that stops when you get nervous is often your feet.  That is why you are feeling like you are not in position.  During the matches first start to focus on your technique and see if you can get the strokes correct.

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Thoughts on this question

Florian Steger

Florian Steger Posted 11 years ago

Hi Piyal,

i know where you come from as i have the same exact problem right now. I training i do fairly well but when it comes to matches i struggle. Especially my backhand blocks that work well in taining go often over the table because the bat angle is not correct or i hold it to stiff.

I think the main reason is your mental preparation. As long as you have to think too much about how to execute each shot it becomes hard to pull of some decent shots.

Like Alois said. Train your shots untill they feel fluent and natural. Because of the speed of the game you don't have the time to thing about the execution of each shot. Your will need this time to develope your strategy like reading your opponents weaknesses, placement, speed and spin.

i know this all sounds easier than don't. I am in that process right now.

piyal das

piyal das Posted 11 years ago

Thank you so much Alois and Florian .. But I became frustrated as I see players with Incorrect and Pathetic techniques winning against me..

I actually don't have any good partner during practice who can fetch me backspin and side spin balls .. The person who helps me in practice can only hit the ball to me straight and try to practice different types of shots..


Florian Steger

Florian Steger Posted 11 years ago

Hello piyal, don't underestimate your opponent due to the lack of "correct" techniques. In prinziple there is no right or wrong. If you have good control and a good hit rate even though your techniqus is akward it doesn't matter. If he developed his own style and techniques and is routined in that it even can benefit him. Here is why: Good coaches try hard to teach the correct techniques. But the downside is that if you have a clean techniques and your movements are obvious with wide swings your are easier to read. If someone plays a topspin with a very clean techniques you directly will see what he is throwing at you. Because you don't just judge the balls movement but also the movement of your opponent. This combined gives you a good overview. If you face an opponent with some akward movements they become unpredictable. This makes it harder to adapt. In my club there is a guy who almost doesn't move and he makes sutle swings near his body. His movements look all the same but everytime he hits the ball it goes somewhere else. If you try to train with him he isn't able to place the ball ten times in your forehand. But he manages the get the ball on the table.

piyal das

piyal das Posted 11 years ago

thanks florian... may be i ll practise harder and more and see if I can beat them...

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