Not Letting The Team Down


Ben Zhou
Ben Zhou Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois, in September I will be playing in the New Zealand Open for Auckland's team B. I am currently the worst in the team, know of anyways to not let the team down?

Thanks, Ben

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ben,

Wow, well done on making the team.

I once played the New Zealand Open Junior tournament in 1981… I think in Napier.

I think the focus for you needs to be just on working hard between now and then.  During the tournament, the most important thing is relaxing and allowing yourself to play your game naturally.  Focus on each point as it comes up.

If you start thinking about letting other people down your focus immediately goes away from the ball and the next point.  Enjoy the experience and learn as much as you can and you won’t let anyone down.

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Thoughts on this question

Ben Zhou

Ben Zhou Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Alois for the response! Will try my best to represent Auckland well!

Gordon Hume

Gordon Hume Posted 9 years ago

Do please let us all know how you got on, Ben.  Very best of luck to you.  laughing


D K Posted 9 years ago

Seems like someone solves the same problem as me.

I am always taking my team down,too.

But no matter how hard I train,I am still worst

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