Old videos quality


Andrzej S
Andrzej S Asked 6 years ago


I am from Poland. I'm middle-aged. I have began playing table tennis recently.

I like the contents of the PingSkills service. You can find answers to nearly all aspects of table tennis.

I would like to make a sugesstion. Some of the videos are quite old and have poor quality.
These days when monitors have high resolution like 1920x1080 the videos give not good impression.
So maybe it would be a good idea to rerecord them again and replace with the new ones.

Have a nice weekend,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Andrzej,

I am glad that you are finding the site useful.

Thanks for the feedback.  We have started to re-film old videos but as you can imagine it is a long process with all the videos we now have up (more than 400).  WE will keep working on the project, which will be a lifetime project, I am sure...

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Quality of strokes

How do you improve the quality of your strokes? Take a look at this video where we show you how.

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