others languages


Paul Mathieu Unknown
Paul Mathieu Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I bougth yours DVD that they are really good but why It doesn't have the possibility to listen in another language like French, German, Italian, Portuguese, etc...   It's very difficult to me understand. If at list you have legend ...


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Paul,

Unfortunately, we don't have those language skills.  It is something we have talked about exploring.  We are not sure whether to do it with subtitles or a complete new version in different languages.  Subtitles would be the easier option I guess and less time consuming.

Thanks for putting it back in our minds.

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Thoughts on this question

Girish Unknown

Girish Unknown Posted 15 years ago

I find it difficult to understand your accent,coaches!! my suggestion is you could bring the video lessons with subtitles or talk slowly th =e english.this is because i have never heard people speak with this accent. I havent heard Americans so as I do not know their accent!!!!!!!!!

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