Paddle weight


Cynthia  Marquette
Cynthia Marquette Asked 6 years ago

I'm playing with a pre-made paddle from ProShopWorld.  It weights 6.5 ounces.  I have a cheaper pre-made paddle that weights 5.5 ounces.  My response time seems much faster with the lighter paddle.  Do you have any thoughts on choosing the right paddle weight?  Is there an advantage to playing with a slightly heavier weight?  Thank you,  Cynthia

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Cynthia,

I prefer a lighter blade as well because I feel I can manoeuvre it easier than a heavy blade.  However, it is a personal preference.  Some players like the heavier blade because once you get the bat moving it has more momentum.

Just see what feel better for you and go with that.

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Thoughts on this question

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 6 years ago

Hi Cynthia.  Like you and Alois I prefer a lighter blade.  It has taken me quite a bit of experimentation to come to that realisation and during that time it became evident that blade/paddle weight is just as personal a decision as type of handle and rubber choice.

Some players believe a heavier bat suits defenders more while a lighter one enables a faster offensive style but there are just as many players that prefer the exact opposite for their own reasons.  Ideally, if you can, play with a few alternatives using the same rubber to determine the  blade that suits you best.

There's no right or wrong answer - it's all about what you feel most comfortable and competent with.  Have fun finding out :)

Nigel C

Nigel C Posted 6 years ago

I agree with Rohan, it is personal taste. I am an attacker and I much prefer a heavier blade. I think it gives better feed back and touch. Try different weights until you find what you enjoy using.

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