Pain in hand and knee


Izzy H
Izzy H Asked 12 years ago


I have two similar questions.

1: When I'm playing a forehand counter-hit or a forehand topspin, actually just any forehand, for quite a long time. I get pain in my hand. It's in the middle of my hand just between two bones. But the strange thing is that I only get this pain when I play forehand for quite some time. 
I have had a fracture twice, both my right forearm and the second time almost went wrong. I broke both the bones in my forearm and my arm was 'out of shape'. I still can't move my wrist like the way it should, I can't turn in fully to the left and right and I can't make a 90 degree angle with my wrist up. Maybe this is why I feel this pain, but maybe I'm just using the wrong technique. 

2: Well I'm right handed and when I play I sometimes get pain in my left knee. But I never asked my trainer about that and I never got told that my footwork isn't the way it's supposed to be. But I guess I'm not the only table tennis player with pain in his/her knees, do you have any tips?

Sorry for the long question.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Izzy,

It is probably good if you go and see a doctor about this.  What you could try first though is to try holding the bat a lot looser.  You can have the bat so you are just hanging on to it enough to keep it in your hand.

Again with your knee go and see a doctor.  There may be some simple things that you can do. It is always best to get them checked first though.

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