Passion for table tennis


Justin O'Toole
Justin O'Toole Asked 12 years ago

Hey Alois and fellow ping skillers what do people think about there table tennis.? How passionate are you.? For me a big thank you goes out to Alois and Jeff as my confidence has grown, i am being more positive, attacking more and enjoying myself more.

Most of all seing that Alois has a great passion for table tennis, being down to earth and helping other players from all over has ispired me. My zest-passion for the game has incresed and i cant wait to get to the table tennis to play competions-tournaments and practice.

Just ask my wife she has noticed that i am happier and that table tennis means a lot to me personaly and i am passion for ping pong-table tennis has increased. One final question what is it that makes people passionate about table tennis. A big thank you to Alois and Jeff it is greatly appriciated from myself Justin.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Justin,

This is great to hear.

What do others think?

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Table

The thickness of a table tennis table is the most important aspect of a table to ensure you get a true consistent bounce. Other things to consider are the net, portability, and storage space.

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Thoughts on this question

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 12 years ago

My passion for table tennis begun right after my first play in my college. Before I play table tennis, I wasn't good at any sport: soccer / football, basketball, martial art, and so on. You know, I wore glasses since a very young age, and this condition made me afraid of breaking my glasses and hurting my eyes during training. That's why I didn't really "all out" in any other sport.

But table tennis is different. I think the risk of suffering injury in table tennis is minimal compared to the other major sport. That's why I can do this sport all out. And table tennis is fun, especially when I train really really hard to master new technique / serve, and my biggest joy is to find out that I have mastered the technique and do it perfectly in the match. Probably table tennis is the only thing where I can focus my mind intensely.

Now I'm 23 and I've been playing table tennis for about 3 years. I hope I still have plenty of room to develop.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Erriza,

Another great thing about the game.  I do like the fact that you have you own space to work with.

Justin O'Toole

Justin O'Toole Posted 12 years ago

My passion for table tennis started when i was 12. My parents played when they were younger. They saw an add in a local news paper for a table tennis club wanting juniors, so they rang up a bloke called Lindsay Drummond spoke and with him. We wen't to see him in person.

I found him really ingageing, friendly, a person who had amazing peoples skills and who taught all juniors how to have fun, enjoy themselves and most of all behave and have good ettiquite. So i joined up. The rest is history i am still playing today 18 years on.! 

Swaroop Lakey

Swaroop Lakey Posted 12 years ago

Hi Everyone,

My passion for table tennis just started 2 months ago but I knew playing table tennis since I was 11, but I was not interested then, one day viewing videos in youtube, I watched a video of Ma Long vs. Zang-Jike, seeing their style of play, I wished I would also play like them one day. So, whenever I play table tennis I watch some inspirational videos and In the last 2 months I learnt more than I learnt before. Now I am 13.

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