Pendulum and Reverse


madan gc
madan gc Asked 12 years ago

can you upload a video on how to returning a pendulum serve and reverse pendulum serve


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Madan,

We have these in our lesson course on Serving Secrets.  In there we have a specific lesson on how to do the Pendulum Serve and another on the Reverse Pendulum Serve.  They go through in detail the start and finish positions of these serves and give you some useful tips on how to perform them.

To return these serves you need to watch the start and finish positions and also watch the flight of the ball.  If the ball is curving to the left it will spin off to your right.  That means you need to angle your bat to face the left side to counter the spin on the ball.  The reverse is also true.

Our course on Receiving Secrets goes through this for you.

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