Pendulum backspin serve


Ian Costello
Ian Costello Asked 13 years ago

When I try putting a lot of backspin, I have trouble getting the ball over the net and I also don't generate as much spin as I want. Please help me!


Simon Gerada
Member Badge Simon Gerada Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ian,

There are 2 parts to this question. The first is regarding generating spin.

 To get spin you need a decent rubber that can grip the ball. Once you have your equipment sorted you need to concentrate on 2 main points to get the spin.

1) You need a brushing contact

2) You need a fast contact

The second part to the question is regarding where the ball is bouncing on the table. You need to watch closely as you serve and then adjust the angle of your bat and where the ball is bouncing on the table. 

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Thoughts on this question

Ian Costello

Ian Costello Posted 13 years ago

Are you a friend of PingSkills?

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

Hi Ian,

Simon has joined the PingSkills team to help answer some of our Ask the Coach questions via video. Simon runs the Health Wellness and Table Tennis club and has had an amazing Table Tennis career. You can find out more about him in an interview I did with him on the PingPod.

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