Pendulum Serve


Patrick Abad
Patrick Abad Asked 12 years ago


How to do a pendulum and reverse pendulum serve.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Patrick,

There are some real basics that you need to follow with both of these serves.  The first is the starting position of your feet.  You need to be side on to the table with your left leg touching the backhand corner of the table.  Then start with your elbow up really high for both.  For the Pendulum have the forehand side of your racket facing away from you.  For the Reverse Pendulum have it facing in towards you.  Then brush the appropriate side of the ball.

This is difficult to show with words that is why we have made the Serving Secrets Revealed DVD which you can purchase through the website.  This will show you in great detail these two serves and a lot more.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Learning To Spin

We explain the principles behind spin and how you can generate different types of spin with your serve. We also give you some challenges so you can test yourself and see how you are progressing.

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Thoughts on this question

Patrick Abad

Patrick Abad Posted 12 years ago

thanks coach!


Gordon Hume

Gordon Hume Posted 12 years ago

Hi, Alois

How would you use, or adapt, the pendulum and reverse pendulum serves when playing doubles and, for instance, where's the best position for a right-hander to serve from when using these serves?

Many thanks 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Gordon,

In singles the right hander should do these serves from the extreme left hand side of the table, his backhand corner.

For doubles you can adapt it by serving from the forehand area but turning your body a little less so that your left shoulder is facing towards the target area.

Jericho Tupas

Jericho Tupas Posted 12 years ago

Hey there Alois,

I really want to learn the Pendulum Serve from your DVD but I can't purchase it since I don't have a credit card. I live in the Philippines. Could you please just show me a short video on how to execute the Pendulum serve? This would really help me a lot in Table Tennis.


aishik das

aishik das Posted 12 years ago

my pendulum serve does not spin at which angle should i toss the ad from where the brusing must occur


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