Pendulum Serve


Ontivero blackitin
Ontivero blackitin Asked 13 years ago

Hello i have just signed in, i have watched ur videos they are great! Im 11 years old and on November 8 Its my birthday, I asked for a ping-pong table, I wanted to know how to make an effect serve like pendulum,etc.In my school we have 2 ping pong tables, and some of my friends do effect serves and i can't return them,I would also like to know that. Thanks you're great!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ontivero,

I hope you have a great birthday especially getting a new Table Tennis table. I still remember getting my first table when I was about your age and how excited I was.

To do a pendulum serve start by releasing the three fingers off your bat handle.  This will allow you to use your wrist a bit more.  

Then stand side on to the table with your left leg touching the backhand corner of your side of the table.

Now start with your elbow up at shoulder height.  Dangle your forearm down.  The next step is to swing your hand through like a pendulum and make contact with the ball in front of your body.

Take a look at some footage from our video on the Pendulum & Reverse Pendulum Serve and you will see what I mean.

Good luck with your Table Tennis. 

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Thoughts on this question

Ontivero blackitin

Ontivero blackitin Posted 13 years ago

Wow thanks alot, could you try to use some not hard words? xD because im from Argentina,well I go to a English-Spanish School but some of ur words i still don't know what they mean. Thanks reply me please. I couldn't believe that you answered my question :D, but u didn't answer the another one, how can i return an effect serve?

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