Pendulum Serve


Gian Te
Gian Te Asked 14 years ago

Hey coach, do you mind teaching us about on how to make a pendulum serve with a little backspin on it? It's a pain for me 'cause i can't do in properly. I can did it once but i just got lucky that time. You know, i watched you demonstrate the pendulum serve on YouTube but it can be smashed easily. Well, if the serve just falls just behind the net and goes backwards and sidewards and doesn't bounce to close to the opponent, then it will be pretty much impossible to return now won't it? That is of course, if your opponent doesn't have a long reach. SO, can you please make a video about it? Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Gian,

Serving the Pendulum serve with backspin requires you to get your bat under the ball to brush the base of the ball.  This will generate the backspin.  The contact needs to be brushing so that you get the ball to stat turning around.

We have a DVD already available, Serving Secrets Revealed DVD which will explain this in great detail. It goes trough and also shows you how to generate all the different spins.

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Contact Point For Maximum Spin

Learn why hitting the ball at the end of your racquet will allow you to generate more spin on your backspin serve.

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