penhold videos


kt yeo
kt yeo Asked 13 years ago

dear coach,

i have just signed up recently to your site.

i am 55 years old and has pains in my knees and walking and jogging is not suitable and taught pingpong/tabletennis can help exercise my knees.

 i am new to pp/tt. however, i am a penhold user. is there any videos ie. animated lessons or text lessons or books targeting this particular skill sets in your website?

if there is none in your site could you recommend any sites that i can browse to improves my penhold skills?

if still none then how can i easily adopt your handshake skills to my penhold grip and excel in it?

thanks in advance, from malaysia with gratitude

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago


Thanks for your interest.  We have a lesson available on our Youtube channel which will be useful for you.  It shows you the basic techniques of the penhold grip and also it will show you the similarities of technique between penhold and shakehand. 

Take a look at Penhold Techniques for Table Tennis.  After watching it you will see where you will be able to relate the rest of our lessons to your penhold game. 

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In this video, we discuss how to keep the ball low with opening topspin.

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