Penhold wrist pain


moataz liontoxicator
moataz liontoxicator Asked 13 years ago

Whenever I preform the back hand,my wrist hurts tremendously, how do i know if it is a problem with my angle of the racket and motion,or some injury in my wrist itself and i should get it checked out ?
Another thing,whenever I topspin i never seem to keep my wrist straight,whenever i do strain my wrist to keep it straight my wrist pain happens again,so any recommendations ? (like wrist bands,doctor checkup,angle of the rachket,etc ) would be great help.

Thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Moataz,

I am certainly not a doctor but pain is never good.

You could try more relaxation in your wrist.  This may help the problem.  If it doesn't you should think about getting it checked. 

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Thoughts on this question

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Posted 13 years ago

About your pain in the wrist. It is endemic to the penholders that want to do too much with the backhand. You should instead know your limitations and develop your style well within it's margins. That's why penholders are typically good blockers on the backhand and forehand hitters. The main difference w/. shakers is we hold the racket basically w/. the fingers, hence more free movement on the forehand. The backhand is limited. After you have twisted everything twistable in your body to get the racket in position, it is barely vertical. At that point you should also use your fingers in order to close the angle somewhat more. And that's about it. If you keep abusing your wrist the pain will get to a point of no return. I have found that hanging my forearm vertically and keeping my hand totally inert and moving it in small gentle circles (like a rag at the end of a stick) have allways helped me when the pain was not too intense.

Romeo Chua

Romeo Chua Posted 10 years ago

You could use the reverse side of the bat, or you could relax your wrist.
Maybe it is a little too tense.

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