Perfect training partner


raphaeldominicvalenzuela Valenzuela
raphaeldominicvalenzuela Valenzuela Asked 9 years ago


I'm currently a varsity in table tennis in our school and my question is what is the perfect training partner for me because my classmate and schoolmates that is also varsity always fells lazy practicing and we are not the same level as me, i mean i'm more good than them so i cannot learn too much.  One time that we compete with other schools, they crashed me down because i can't receive back their heavy spin serves and their skills is just good.  i always watch your videos about receiving,serving,etc.. but it's not enough cause i need to experience it myself and doing it often.  What is your suggestion? Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Raphael,

Try to develop your training partners serving ability.  So if all of you work on your serving then you will all also improve your ability to return serve.

For the next few week, try to just work on the serve and return of serve and see if this improves all of you.

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Thoughts on this question

Mark Jung

Mark Jung Posted 9 years ago

The perfect training partner is whoever has as much drive to improve as you do (or even more drive if you're lucky). Even if they're a beginner, the dedication to do focused practice drills instead of just hitting the ball around will catch them up quickly as well as provide you the opportunity to drill away your weaknesses.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Well said Mark.

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